
What Does An EIN Look Like?

Anila Lahiri December 26, 2023

An Employer Identification Number (EIN) is a nine-digit numerical code, typically written in the format (XX-XXXXXXX). This unique identifier is assigned by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to businesses and other entities for tax and identification purposes. The nine digits are divided into two parts: the first two digits serve as a prefix, separated by […]

Does An EIN Expire? What You Need To Know

Anila Lahiri December 22, 2023

Once you have been assigned an Employer Identification Number (EIN), it will not expire. There are, however, occasional situations in which you may be required to apply for a new EIN or change your existing one. These include if you decide to change the structure of your business, or need to take on employees, expanding […]

How To Find Your EIN Online

Anila Lahiri December 18, 2023

Getting a hold of your Employer Identification Number (EIN) online is an easy task. Companies often use online resources to locate their own EINs and other organizations too.  In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the details of EINs, explore the various methods of finding your EIN online, and provide insights into the online […]

Is An EIN Public Information?

Anila Lahiri December 17, 2023

Have you recently acquired an Employer Identification Number (EIN), or are you looking to find another business’s EIN? If that’s the case, you might be wondering if an EIN is public information that can be found by anybody.  Luckily, we’re here to answer this question for you, as well as include any additional information you […]

Lost Or Misplaced Your EIN? How To Find It

Anila Lahiri December 4, 2023

Losing or misplacing your Employer Identification Number happens all the time. However, it’s super easy to find it if you know where to look. You likely have these on file somewhere or can access it easier than you think. In this quick guide, we’ll look at exactly how you can locate your EIN if you […]

What Is A Reverse EIN Lookup?

Anila Lahiri December 1, 2023

You may have heard of performing EIN lookup tasks, but what is a reverse EIN lookup? A Reverse EIN lookup is conducted when you already have access to a company’s Employer Identification Number but need additional information about the company.  If you require information that verifies things like the company name, address, or contact details, […]

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