Randstad EIN Information

Randstad Company Profile

Randstad is a Dutch staffing agency and human resources consulting firm based in Diemen, Netherlands. The company offers staffing solutions for short-term and permanent jobs for various industries, including engineering, accounting, healthcare, and human resources, among others.

Randstad was founded in 1960 byFrits Goldschmeding and was initially known as “Uitzendbureau Amstelveen.” In 1965, the company went global and now has a global presence in 39 countries.

Randstad is currently the world leader in HR services, representing about ninety percent of the HR services market. In the U.S., it was incorporated in Delaware and currently operates as a foreign limited partnership.

  • The full company name for Randstad is Randstad NV.
  • Randstad operates as Randstad North America, Inc. in North America, with its headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia.
  • Randstad’s Atlanta address is One Overton Park, 3625 Cumberland Blvd, Atlanta, GA 30339.

Randstad’s Employer Identification Number (EIN)


Randstad Business Information

Business Phone (781) 213-1500
Business Address 3625 Cumberland Blvd., Suite 600
Business City Atlanta
Business State Georgia
Business Zip 30339

Randstad Mailing Information

Mailing Address 3625 Cumberland Blvd., Suite 600
Mailing City Atlanta
Mailing State Georgia
Mailing Zip 30339
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What Kind Of Company Is Randstad?

Randstad is the largest staffing agency worldwide. It provides staffing solutions for temporary and permanent job positions across five continents. More than offering solely entry-level staffing solutions, Randstad also provides staffing services for professionals up to the senior management level.

The company assists people in achieving beneficial jobs relative to their skill set and helps companies hire the right people. As a staffing agency, Randstad provides workforce solutions, such as outsourcing, staffing, consulting, and workforce management for various industries. Randstad service sectors include engineering, accounting and finance, healthcare, human resources, and information technology.

Can You Look Up A Company’s EIN Number?

Yes, you can find your competitor’s EIN or your EIN if needed. In addition, you can freely search for a publicly listed company’s EIN on government-issued forms and online. An EIN is useful for verifying business information when doing transactions. You can find a company’s EIN using the following:

  • Your company’s EIN appears on your W-2 Form.
  • You can find a publicly traded company’s EIN on the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) database, EDGAR.
  • EDGAR is an acronym for Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval.

If a company is private, you can employ an EIN lookup service. Since private companies are not on EDGAR, you can use a paid EIN lookup service to retrieve a private company’s EIN information online. There may be times that you may need to look up other companies’ EINs for verification purposes, so using these services can quickly and accurately get you the information you need.

What Is An EIN?

An Employer Identification Number (EIN) is a unique nine-digit number the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) assigns to businesses entities in the United States for tax reporting purposes. Unlike other state-issued identification numbers, such as an SSN, an EIN is not sensitive information — this means businesses and individuals can freely access it when needed. 

Other names for EIN numbers are Federal Tax Identification Number (FEINs), Federal Tax I.D., Employer Identification Number, or a 95 number. Most businesses are required to present an EIN when doing business transactions. Even nonprofit organizations that hire people need an EIN. An EIN is necessary for the following: 

  • Opening a business bank account 
  • Hiring employees
  • Issuing employee benefits, such as retirement plans
  • Filing for bankruptcy
  • Forming a business partnership with an existing business
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