The Vanguard Group, Inc. EIN Information

The Vanguard Group, Inc Company Profile

The Vanguard Group a registered investment advisor, brokerage, and asset management firm headquartered in Malvern, Pennsylvania. The giant financial institution is the largest provider of mutual funds and the second-largest provider of exchange-traded funds (ETFs) in the world.

Vanguard Fiduciary Trust Company is a subsidiary of The Vanguard Group, Inc.


Vanguard’s EIN Number


Vanguard Business Information

Business Name The Vanguard Fiduciary Trust Company
Business Phone (610) 669-1000
Business Address 100 Vanguard Boulevard
Business City Malvern
Business State Pennsylvania
Business Zip 19355

Vanguard Mailing Information

Mailing Address 100 Vanguard Boulevard
Mailing City Malvern
Mailing State Pennsylvania
Mailing Zip 19355
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Does Vanguard Give You Tax Forms?

People may have accounts with Vanguard for different purposes, such as saving for college, mutual funds, retirement accounts such as IRAs, and more. Those various accounts represent different types of investment and will therefore require different tax forms, which Vanguard will provide for the account holder.

Vanguard curates a tax calendar for its customers which clarifies the purpose of each form and when it is needed. Vanguard even provides worksheets and recent updates on tax law changes to make the tax process as smooth as possible.

Do You Have To Pay Taxes on Capital Gains?

Yes, you do. When you sell an asset or investment and make a profit, that investment income is taxable. The capital gains tax rate you pay is determined by your filing status, the amount of time you held the asset, and your annual taxable income. If the asset was held for more than a year, it’s a long-term capital gain. If held for less than a year, it’s a short-term capital gain. Long-term capital gains are taxed at a lower rate than ordinary income while short-term capital gains are taxed as ordinary income. You can calculate capital gains taxes using IRS Form 8949 .

Similar rules apply to withdrawals from long-term investment accounts such as 401Ks. If you’re interested in more tax information, Vanguard’s tax center may be helpful to you.

Can You Look Up a Company’s EIN?

Yes, you can. You can find your company’s Employer Identification Number on your W2-form. All publicly-traded companies’ EINs are available in the SEC’s database EDGAR. If the business is private, you can use an EIN lookup service such as .

What Is an EIN?

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) assigns a nine-digit Employer Identification Number (EIN) to business entities. This number serves a purpose like a personal Social Security Number, and allows the IRS to keep track of the business for tax purposes.

Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITINs) are a type of tax ID number for non-U.S. citizens. Sole proprietorships and single-member LLCs can use ITINs or SSNs instead of EINs.

When Do I Need an EIN?

Your business needs an EIN for nearly every aspect of operation. You’ll need an EIN to hire employees and offer them retirement plans. Without an EIN, you won’t be able to file excise tax returns, partner with other businesses, or open a company bank account. Beyond those examples, there are a litany of other essential tasks which require an EIN.

The only businesses which do not require one are sole proprietorships and single-member LLCs. In those situations, a social security number or ITIN can be used instead. Even tax-exempt organizations like nonprofits need EINs for reporting purposes.

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