
How Long Does It Take to Get an EIN

Anila Lahiri August 4, 2023

When you decide to open a business, one of the first things you must do is get an Employer Identification Number. This is commonly referred to as an EIN, but you might have also heard it being called a Tax ID number or a Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN). Either way, they are very important […]

Is an EIN the Same as a Tax ID Number?

Anila Lahiri July 1, 2023

Tax Identification (ID) numbers are pieces of information issued to businesses and people by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Employer Identification numbers are issued to businesses only. 

Federal Tax ID Lookup: All You Need to Know

Anila Lahiri June 23, 2023

Finding your own or another company’s Federal Tax ID Number (TIN) is an easy task and highly necessary for the purposes of tax returns. There are several methods you can use to perform a federal tax ID lookup. 

Is a Taxpayer Identification Number the Same as an SSN?

Anila Lahiri June 1, 2023

In this guide, we’ll take you through the different kinds of TINs and help you understand the difference between them. This is especially important if you run a business in the United States and need to distinguish between your personal and business expenses.

How to Apply for a Business Credit Card with an EIN

Anila Lahiri May 28, 2023

To apply for a business credit card, one of the things you’ll need is an EIN. Additionally, there are some corporate cards that you can apply for that require an EIN only. 

Do I Need An EIN For My LLC?

Anila Lahiri May 12, 2023

Starting a new business can bring a lot of excitement into your life, however, it is a lot of work, and there are many requirements you need to meet. For example, when you set up a Limited Liability Company (LLC), one of the first things you need to do is obtain an Employee Identification Number […]

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